
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Creativity and Dance Fever...

Since the beginning of time the world has been divided into left brain thinkers and right brain thinkers.  Left brain thinkers are generally much more logical and analytical whereas right brain thinkers are considered to be more creative and intuitive.  I have to admit that growing up I always considered myself a left brain thinker.  Sure I liked to color and I doodled the heck out of a binder cover, but I always focused much more on my left brain assets in school. 

After graduating from college and realizing that I wanted nothing to do with sitting in an office, I encountered somewhat of an identity crisis.  As I do with all major decisions in life, I waited for a sign.  One day, I filled out a questionnaire about "Creating Your Future."  The idea was to read the question out loud, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and write the first thing that came to mind.  When I got around to the Career section, here's what came up, "If you write it, they will come."

That was it.  Pretty vague, universe!!  I kept trying to ask more questions.  Who will come?  When are they coming?  What am I supposed to write?  I got NOTHIN!  All I kept hearing in my head was, "If you write it, they will come."  So, the next week I started this blog.  At first I was scared that I would run out of things to write after the first week but when I sit down to the computer every Sunday, it all comes together almost magically.

And the best part is people are coming!  All of you are reading this and I hope you enjoy.  Last week, my friend of mine told me the other day that she talks about it with her friends and that is pretty awesome so thank you for being my audience. 

Today I no longer think of myself as a left brain thinker, or a right brain thinker.  I guess I fall somewhere in the middle.  This week my writing group assignment was to create a new disease and describe its effect on people.  As much as I tried to think of a serious epidemic, I decided my disease would be Dance Fever.  

Even though you may, at times, be afraid of  a challenge or trying something new, when you are true to yourself amazing things can happen.  All you have to do is give it a shot! 


The Dance Fever Epidemic Resurfaces: Fear Runs Rampant
At a rate not seen since the disco epidemic of 1970, people around the world are contracting what Scientists call Feeltherhythmitis or Dance Fever.  Thought to be a dead disease, Feeltherhythmitis has once again propelled itself onto the world scene.
Dr. Boogie, Associate Professor of History at NYU, contracted Feeltherhythmitis during an outbreak in the 1960’s.  His condition has been in remission ever since. 
“During the Summer of ’69,” recalled Dr. Boogie, “I contracted a crippling condition known as Dance Fever (Feeltherhythmitis).  The first stage of Feeltherhythmitis is borderline euphoric.  The infected feel as though they can dance all night. However, during the second phase of contamination things turn serious.  Victims find that they are no longer in control of their limbs and their dancing becomes erratic; jerking, tapping, swaying, kicking, jumping etc.  People start sweating profusely and many claim that they couldn’t stop dancing if they tried.  I have seen the negative effects of Feeltherythmitis on innocent people.  The world scientific community needs to take this outbreak very seriously before any more lives are affected.”
Olivia Newton was at an LA dance club when her boyfriend John began to show signs of second degree Feeltherhythmitis.  “John never dances, “claimed Ms. Newton, “So when he started taking it to the floor like a maniac I knew something was wrong.  I tried to stop him but he kept high kicking and I couldn’t get near him.” 
Club employees were able to subdue John T. (last name not disclosed due to a pending police investigation), and he was treated at a local hospital.  Unfortunately, over $100,000 in damage was done to sound equipment, furniture and a Swarovski chandelier.  The dance club is also facing a class action law suit from patrons who are claiming emotional distress and bodily injury incurred from the erratic dancing.
Due to public outcry, countries around the world are banning certain types of music until a new cure for Feeltherhythmitis can be found.  In a message to the country, President Obama stated,
“We are working hard to find a cure for this disease.  This is not just an American issue, this is a global issue and I urge other countries to cease and desist of all dance related music until we can put an end to Dance Fever, once and for all.”
There are many people who feel that the DanceBan, as it has been called, is unfair and unconstitutional.  The activist group, AllIWannaDoIsDance, held an anti-ban rally in Daytona Beach, Florida over the weekend, drawing a crowd of over 10,000 people.
“America is about freedom of expression,” argued Francis Baby Houseman, organizer of AllIWannaDoIsDance.  “Shutting down music is not the answer!  You cannot ignore all the positive affects music has on society and its people.  Long Live Dancing!”
We asked Dr. Boogie his thoughts on the ban.
"In the 1960’s, the Dance Fever epidemic ended with the advent of a form of music called Hard Rock.  Disco went out of style in the 70’s and that helped end the epidemic.  The problem with this particular disease, however, is that every time you think it’s gone, it finds a way to mutate and regenerate.  Until a new cure can be developed, I urge people to remain inside, away from music and dancing of any kind.  People simply don’t understand the severity of Dance Fever.  It is both catastrophic and highly contagious.  The rhythm is going to get you!”
As of now, governments around the world continue to strictly enforce the DanceBan.  An intergovernmental group of scientists, known as The Cure, continue to work day and night toward a solution.  Until then, civilians are urged to stay calm and remain at home as much as possible.  Large green bins have been placed at supermarkets and schools for the disposal of any music media devices.
The President urges that “the more cooperation from the American people, the sooner this will all come to an end.”
If you know of anyone who is displaying symptoms of Feeltherhythmitis, please visit for treatment facilities and tips on preventing contamination.

(Disclaimer: This is a fake article.  Nothing actually exists.)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cleaning Out Your Closet...

Today, I am cleaning out my closet.  Basically, I went through piles and piles of old stuff and decided what I needed to keep, throw away, or donate.  When you first decide that the time has come to clean house, you anticipate the task to be relatively easy and pain free.  After all, how much shit can there possibly be?
The thing about cleaning closets is that once you get down to the nitty gritty, you realize that there is always way more junk than anticipated.  Before you know it you are knee deep in a mountain of rubble with little hope that you can make it out alive.  You take a long, cleansing breath and try to hold off the mini meltdown that is looming.  Next you decide to take it one box at a time.
There are always surprises when cleaning out your closet.  You find pictures of days gone by and wonder, “What ever happened to my friend?  I think I’m gonna call them.”  Deep down you know that this is highly unlikely but at least it brought the memory of happy times gone by.
Sometimes you find undesirables like that Tupperware you forgot about from Junior year which can now be passed off as your science experiment.  In my experience it is better to lose a container than risk contamination.
Lost items become found.  Old items become new again.   And things that were once of great sentimental value, you now find of no value at all.
After a considerable amount of blood, sweat and tears, you begin to see the progress.  The piles almost magically come together.  You have decided what things you want to keep in your life and what you want to clear out.  Some go to the dumpster, some go to charity and some remain in the closet awhile longer. 
The urban dictionary defines the act of ‘cleaning out one’s closet’ as “putting an end to the old way of living and starting a new life void of all the secrets and lies from the old life and filled with mental strength.”
Throughout life there are times when we need to take inventory of our selves, our thoughts, our emotions and our stuff.  My coach once told me that when your home is organized, your life is organized.  Although I am not always the neatest of people, i wholeheartedly agree.  
I have always believed that everything has its place.  I also believe that place is constantly changing.  Things that you once thought were irreplaceable now have no room in your new life.  It’s sad to see them go but you do it because you know that something better is coming.  Something that is going to fill that space better than you ever imagined it could. 
If you are feeling like it’s time for a change I suggest that you start by cleaning out your closet.  You should start new beginnings with a clean slate…or at least a neatly packed one!
Happy Cleaning!


Loving the highly organized closet space...omg I can see the floor!!!

Hall Closet
Bedroom Closet

Monday, August 1, 2011

Act Your Age...

"Act your age"
Many of us have heard this phrase.  Many of us have used this phrase.  Even Prince, or the artist formerly known as, sang this phrase, “Act your age, not your shoe size…”
But what does it really mean?  Is there some rulebook somewhere that contains a detailed set of rules and regulations regarding each specific age?  Where is this rulebook?  I would first like to read it and then promptly throw it out a second story window.
I’m sure at one point or another in our lives, everyone has been told to act their age.  Most likely it was said to you by your mother referring to some deviant act occurring between the ages of 8 -12.  Another likely possibility is that it was said by a girlfriend/boyfriend, sibling or friend to a person of a certain age, holding onto their Peter Pan complex.
This past weekend I spent all of Saturday playing in a pool with family and friends.  During my game of ‘airplane’ with a very giggly three year old friend, I looked around the pool and realized that I was the oldest one by about ten years, give or take.  This made me wonder; at 25 how am I supposed to act?  How do people expect me to act?  Should I be sitting on the sidelines watching the kids play?  Am I now too ‘old’ to be horsing around in a pool?  Before I could give this anymore thought I was promptly tackled underwater by the 'boy’s team.'  Silly I forgot about the game of ‘keep away’ I started 20 minutes prior…water up your nose still hurts at any age!
Thoroughly exhausted and showing my age, I crawled out of the pool and into the car where my mommy and daddy were waiting to take me home to bed.  On the way I started mulling over the whole notion of “acting your age.”  At some point everyone grows up.  You mature, gain wisdom and accept more responsibility in life.  These are all necessary and wonderful things.
But, what about fun?  I consider myself lucky to have family and friends who don’t take themselves too seriously.  Mainly because, we have a lot of fun.   Sometimes when people ‘grow up’ they forget all about being a kid and that’s a shame.  When you’re a kid ‘fun’ isn’t proper or neat.  Kids don’t do things for show or to impress people.  Kids don’t care what you think!  They seek fun out!
As we approached the end of my block, I decided that I don’t give a flying leap what people think.  If I want join a neighborhood game of dodge ball or slide headfirst down the slide or yell really loud in an appropriate venue or let a three year old push me in the pool twenty times in a row, that’s exactly what I’m going to do.  If anyone has a problem with that, I hope they have a rulebook handy.  
Everyone has an inner child.  Mine is slightly theatrical and loves the water.  I let her play as much as I can.  What does your inner child want to do?  Maybe you should let them out to play sometime!