
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Destined for Greatness...

The other day during a phone conversation, my friend boasted, "yup...I'm Destined for Greatness.’  After I recovered from that overwhelming display of modesty, I responded with, “What does that mean?” He didn't know but was sure he'd figure it out someday.
How does one define ‘greatness’ anyway?  The question has been sitting on my mind.  So in order to find the answer, and calm my ever inquisitive nature, I went to the one place that always has the answers to life's little questions, Google. 

After searching for 'define greatness', I clicked on Famous Quotes about Greatness.  Surely the most brilliant thinkers of modern day history provide the insight I was looking for, wouldn't they?
First up, William Shakespeare;
“Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” ~ William Shakespeare

What a beautiful sentiment.  However it is entirely unhelpful.  Although I'm sure Shakespeare is  correct, he has failed to help me answer my question.  Let's try again:
Second batter up, Gandhi;
"As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world-that is the myth of the atomic age-as in being able to remake ourselves." ~Mahatma Gandhi
We are heading in a better direction but I think I'll to have to come up with the conclusion all by myself.
In order to achieve greatness, you have to figure out how you will know when you can achieve it.  If not you are just wandering around never never land and searching for something that doesn’t exist (like a band of lost boys or misfit toys).  And while searching for the proverbial holy grail of greatness, you will indoubtedly fail to recognize all the everyday greatness going on around you. 

For a long time I was under this illusion that my life wouldn't be great until I had the exact body I wanted and a fabulous, jet setting carefree lifestyle.  Well reality smacked me around a little in my early twenties and I saw the light.  Greatness is an illusion and is entirely based on how you define it.
For many years I searched for a me that was better than the I that I was.  In my twisted adolescent head I was simply not a good enough version of myself; I was not ‘all that I could be.'  It is a highly stressful and dissatisfying way to live, with disappointment around every corner.  Not recommended for long lengths of time. 
So what do you do about it?  Glad you asked.  Someone told me that all I had to do was start list of what I had that was pretty great and every time someone gave me a compliment I had to write it in a little notebook to remind myself of why I was great to others.   It sounded ridiculous but I did it anyway.  Something worked because today I think I'm pretty freaking awesome and other people think so too!  I know because they tell me and (here's the key) I listen to them!
I also know that greatness in life is all about choices and sacrifice.  For me, career success is important but not what will define my greatness.  For some people maybe it is.  You can define greatness in your life by anything; career, spirituality, wealth, family or friends etc.   
I would love to come to the end of my life and say that I was able to make money off of this whole writing thing (and quit the 9-5 rigmarole).  Would a #1 bestseller add to my sense of greatness? Probably; but, like I said achieving greatness is all about choices.  You have to make conscious decisions in life that are going to affect everything.
For example, Monday night I had a choice of going to the gym or meeting my friends for $2 Burger Night.  I chose the burger.  Correction, I choose my friends.  At the beginning of this year my schedule went from working 35ish hours a week, leaving me plenty of time for my social life, writing and the gym to coincide, to suddenly working 9-12 hour days and sitting on I-95 for at least 1.5 hours a day, if not 3 or 4 (a horrific fate for those of you who haven't experienced it first hand).

So here we are, well into October, and what I've got is 10 extra pounds, absolutely no endurance/muscle tone and a seriously neglected blog.  I have only one thing to say for myself, “Eh…I had fun.”  Some of you may have perceived this fall off the wagon a failure.  But how can you fail when you weren’t even trying and making conscious decisions the whole way to not care and have fun!?! 

When I first moved to Virginia I gained 20 lbs in 6 months because I completely gave up and stopped trying, that was a failure.  This time, I feel like it’s simply time to get back to feeling like me.  I have not one regret about choosing my friends over my workouts this year (which didn’t completely die, averaging about one half-ass gym session/week) but I also know now that life is calmer, it is time to once again focus on me.
So, sayonara 6 pack beers!  I'm going for those 6 pack abs.  Good bye chocolate covered pretzel snacks and mango cheesecake on occasion.  It is time to whip this puppy back into shape because at the end of the day all I want is to feel good about what I’m doing.

My greatness may just be the ability to help other people find theirs.  Although I am slightly on the competitive side, I never had the need to be number 1 all the time.  It just seems lonely at the top.  Someday a bestselling book would be nice.  If I can ever figure out a way to complete a manuscript then I’ll let you know.  But right now, I am much happier to say I got to spend as much time as I could with some pretty awesome people and had as much fun as I possibly could on a budget!

So my recommendation to you is to figure out your own definition of greatness and evaluate what it takes to get there.  Then, figure out how to be happy with what you’ve got.  I’m pretty sure that is a) the only way you will actually achieve greatness or any goal and b) you will be much better off once you actually get there!

Feels good to be back!

Catch you on flip side,


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