
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Who you callin' Crazy...(For the Crazy Ones)

Being a modern woman, naturally I am an avid watcher of Sex and the City.  The summer after high school, my friend and I spent every Tuesday night watching the entire series.  Over the past 6 years, thanks to the beauty of syndication I have seen each episode at least three or four times.  However since the very first run through, one episode stood out to me.  No it wasn’t when Mr. Big and Carrie finally got together or when Harry wooed Charlotte.  It was the episode when Carrie was invited to the engagement party of Mr. Big and Natasha, aka the Idiot Stick Figure with No Soul. 
“Ladies, I am having an epiphany:  the world is made up of two types of women; the ‘simple girls’ and the ‘Katie’ girls.” ~Carrie Bradshaw
This past week, as I watched this episode for umpteenth time, I began to wonder why it was so special to me.  To get to the bottom of it, I decided that I would first have to figure out what type of girl I was. 
To determine the qualities of a simple girl I decided to examine the Idiot Stick Figure with No Soul.  She was beautiful, tall, thin, pretty and had straight hair.  (The character was played by a supermodel if that tells you anything about her appearance.)  Her style was high-end but more importantly she looked put together.  Not one hair was out of place and she was always groomed to perfection.  She was cordial, pleasant and always wore a smile.  I’m sure if she ever used a harsh tone or spoke out of turn she would feel utterly ashamed.
Although I am sure I have some of the afore mentioned qualities, simple I am not.  So it was time to examine the Katie girl.
To figure out the Katie girl, I had to take some Sex and the City knowledge and mix it with personal experiences.  On more than one occasion in my life I have been accused of being Crazy (‘a good crazy’…whatever that means!)  After taking stock of myself, I looked to the many, many crazy women in my life for inspiration.  (I know none of you are actually upset I called you crazy so wipe that ‘I’m offended’ look off your face and cut the attitude!:))
Although no two Katie/crazy girls are alike, I have come up with some general qualities that I am sure we can agree on. 
·           We always look good but are rarely perfect, talk about exhausting...ugh!  I have had to come to terms with the fact that despite my best efforts and advances in hair care, my curly hair remains dominant.  I have also accepted the fact that salsa will find the one tiny little area of white on my outfit!
·        We’re neurotic, slightly narcissistic and have been known to dance on a table from time to time.
·           We can recite all the words to our favorite childhood movies and songs.   Shockingly, I can recite the Back Street Boys, the Spice Girls and N’Sync to this day!
·       Common sense and a certain amount of tact is a must!  We don’t deal well with idiots or stupidity for long.
·        We are fiercely independent, sometimes to a fault.  Asking for help is a foreign concept and almost against nature (at least in my case).  'So what if there are 40 holes in the wall,  I hung that picture myself!!"    
·         Although we may do some wild things now and again we can usually get ourselves out of anything that we get ourselves into...usually.  And if a guy gets a little handsy on the dance floor I know my girls will be on it before I even know what’s going on.
·        We are almost constantly in a state of laughter and at the same time quite possibly the best shoulders in the world to lean on when things get tough.  We have hearts of gold and are certainly the best people I know!
As anyone who has ever watched an episode of Sex and City, love isn’t always easy for Katie or crazy girls.  Who knows if love is actually easier for the simple girls or we just assume that it is.  All I know is that for me, simple is boring!  I’d much rather be a complicated, sometimes nutty, often neurotic, riotously funny girl who cracks herself up on a daily basis.  And I’ve determined that some of us just have to dig through the trenches a little more to find the guys who can handle all that crazy business!
Before I sign off for the week, I wanted to let you know that I have elected a Crazy Girl theme song, Billy Joel’s “You May Be Right.”  Go forth and sing in any shower, mirror or hairbrush of your choice.
You may be right
I may be crazy
But it just may be a lunatic you’re looking for


1 comment:

  1. E- this is great! Being a Katie/y myself (both in name and by your description) it was a wonderful post! You are beautiful and crazy and I love ya for it! :)
